Huge News: Swiss Clinic got our systems in Dec. 2022

Mülheim/Germany, July 2024.

On Friday, September 20th at 6 p.m., the NiBB Innovation Prize will be awarded at the Unperfekthaus in Essen, Germany. This year's winner is Dr.Sc. (US), Dipl.-Ing. (Fh) Florian M. König, researcher and developer of nature-compliant technologies and entrepreneur, category Business/Ecology.

I.) Paper News

Auszug aktueller Veröffentlichungen / Beiträge über Wissenschaften und und Praxisbeispiele;
Actual publications in Journals & reviews 2017-2022 (in German & English mixed)


Ein neues englischsprachiges e-Buch/e-book als erweiterte Version von "Die Natur braucht Chaos" (2005) mit neuesten Erkenntnissen wie auch Patent-Nummern, wissenschaftlichen Studien-Abstracts, Paper-Zitaten bis zum Jahreswechsel 2020/2021 sowie absolut bahnbrechenden Hinweisen um neue, bio-konformere Technologien. Der Buch-Titel lautet: "THE MEANINGFULNESS OF NATURE-RELATED RADIATION FORMS AND RESULTING NEW TECHNOLOGIES"; e-book ISBN: 978-3-9823116-0-9. Dazu als Einstieg die ersten 22 Seiten dieses Buches beispielsweise mit dem zugehörigen Inhaltsverzeichnis. Bei gewünschten Buch-Bestellungen einfach uns direkt eine E-Mail schreiben.

➜ In German - "Der Elektrosmogjäger", Stammtisch am 18.2.2021 in München TV

Further movies in English & German please visit or

Stammtisch München TV

➜ Elektrosmog wirksam neutralisieren (raum&zeit Studio Talk)

Münchner Medzintalk

➜ Folge "Der Münchner Medizintalk" - Movie View

Auswirkungen, von Elektrosmog sowie wissenschaftliche Studienbezüge und Abhilfen bzw. Geräte zur Wirkminimierung vom Elektrosmog-Impact. ? Dr. phil. h.c. mult. Erich Lejeune, Dr. Martin Marianowicz und *Dr. Florian M. König beleuchten das Thema.

Münchner Medzintalk

➜ Folge "Der Münchner Medizintalk" - Movie View

Wie wirken sich Elektrosmog und Wetterfühligkeit auf unsere Gesundheit aus? Dr. phil. h.c. mult. Erich Lejeune, Dr. Martin Marianowicz, Christian B. König und *Dr. Florian M. König beleuchten das Thema.

Münchner Medzintalk

➜ Bi-laterally Supports - "First German Female Astronaut 2020"

F. M. König met Ms. Nicola Winter (ex Baumann; DE fighter pilot) was one of the candidates for the ISS 2020 flight during a symposium in Munich / Nov. 23th 2017. Now she becames ESA reserve candidate or successor for future flights to the ISS beginning 2023. After our sponsoring in April 2017 we exchanged ideas how to support astronauts by an additional nature-related ISS habitat for instance by SFERICS fields (see posters background at the foto related to our world new "fair weather field" emitting SFERICS-HEADPHONES SH-S1 = Or as well a probable use of our "electrosmog" neutralizing MHR devices to reduce negative effects of an artificial electro-magnetic climate at the ISS. Spring 2018 we met the new femail astronaut candidate Ms. Dr. Suzanna Randall at the ESO / Garching appreciating to be open minded for our staff.

Reference users are, for example, Dr. med. Kay Polonius in the Prienamed Medical Center Munich, Naturopath Dennis Lindner, etc. for their therapeutic patient treatments with music. More references of our company see here. und Die Astronautin und Die Astronautin

➜ Honoring lecture presentation at the parlament of Slovenia (Europe) / Ljubliana on November 30th 2017

As documentation two fotograph's during the talk and the official entering ID card to cross the parlaments border. There were pesented our SFERICS-HEADPHONES SH-S1 the world unique electrosmog neutralizing tubes/can's devices as well.

Vortrag Slowenien Vortrag Slowenien Vortrag Slowenien

➜ Latest press release July 2020 from Italy - Original Mayor's Announcement (signed, in German language)

The Mayor of the town Tscherms / Cermes (Alto Adige, Italy) is forceing an offensive against electrosmog. This is made for the public area of the primary school, old people's home, library, doctor's ambulance, youth / choir / tower rooms and outside the Wi-Fi area of the park to the church square.


Er kann Elektrosmog förmlich riechen Aktuelle Presse-News - ein Portrait über Florian M. König in der Mindelheimer Zeitung, seiner Firma und deren Tätigkeiten am neuen Standort in Bad Wörishofen; die Kneipp'sche Wasser-Kur-Stadt, welche viel Gesundheits-Events bietet.

Actual press news, 10th Sep. 2018 (page 29) at the Mindelheimer Zeitung: Potraing Florian M. König including his innovations by his moved scientific related company FKE GmbH at Bad Wörishofen.

➜ Several LECTURES plus DEMOS on film registred congresses like Jupiter-Verlag beginning 2017; see updated LINKLIST at A review of a current congress report with background informations on the latest available free energy research + systems from Graz / Austria (Sept. 2022) you can find here as PDF.

World unique TUBE DEVICES to "electro-de-stress" and neutralise EMF's for your daily wellbeing indoor or mobile. They are examinated & certified by done bio-chemical cell tests (see above). Spectacular MHR-LIVE checks and feedback communications to listen to from the audience and so on.
Movies & DVD's available at DVD-Wissen - more details linked at congresses located like in Bad Goegging, Stuttgart, Zuerich and so on; see the short lecture extract plus demonstations of an MHR by the LINK (check mainly starting at the movies minute 14.00).

II.) Science-News & Studies

Gehirntumor durch Handynutzung als Berufskrankheit anerkannt.

DAS ERSTE (ARD / WDR, 20.2.2019): "Gefahr durch Mobilfunkstrahlen?" mit Dokumentarfilm-Regiseur Klaus Scheidsteger (, Absolut relevant ist ein Appell (6.4.2020) von Ärzten und Therapeuten im Zusammenhang der Funkbelastung sowie Immunschwäche und Covid19.

Radiofrequency expert warns 5G radiation could be carcinogenic; WA NEWS, 15.2.2019.

Up to 90% brain tumor risc increase (sum of cordless communication technique radiations) - the newest 2017 Hardell study for the swedish population 1998-2015.

5G APOCALYPSE - THE EXTINCTION EVENT, a documentary by Sacha Stone exposing the 5G existential threat to humanity.

Resonance: Beings of Frequency - a documentary around natural & man made electro-magnetic frequencies (EMF) and resonance effects, which is using human kind and how such kind of artificial fields influence animals, plants, probands (see reactions in science labor tests): Examples how EMF's destroy animals (orientations), human healt as impact and so on - research facts are presented!

Additionally please compare this two contradicting publications regarding 5G and 60 GHz Wireless Communication Requirements and a science publication dated for 2001, title: Fixed Wireless Communications at 60GHz Unique Oxygen Absorption Properties; from Italy this Link having more content. Not binding remarks: Draw your own conclusions. Especially if you see the graphic according to Figure 3 of the oxygen science paper or interpret it in a way that correlates to dry tech. 5G requirements (60GHz). This is the dilemma between science & research in opposit to (the blind industry) technical developments or global standardizations (see frequencies for 5G) without thinking (in advance) about biological effects or respecting them first before developing wireless technologies "possible deviating" from this defined main frequencies; done wrong order path for a "non-bio-compliant" future technology - sorry!

Für weitere Informationen empfehlen wir u.a. im DE-WEB die oder sowie International verweisen wir z.B. auf oder sowie und schließlich

Einzelne Kommunen und Orte u.a. in Deutschland (vgl. Bad Wiesse) vertreten die Bürgermeinung gegen die 5G-Einführung; siehe Begründungen warum und rechtliche Positionen dazu im Artikel Bad Wiessee setzt Zeichen: Kommunen können den Mobilfunkausbau regulieren. Mehr zum Thema Elektrosmog und 5G finden Sie bei uns hier.

Herewith are linked our own Scientific Publication 2017 or 2019 and summer 2020 plus Dec. 2020; for instance its title was: "Investigations in electro-stress reduction devices under technical alternating field emission conditions observing human cell culture vitalities and correlating measurable marginal mass changes". The penultimate paper Dec. 2020 was published entitled now as: "Detection of Electrophysical Relationships in the Use of Biologically Effective Electro-Stress Reduction Devices by Cell Culture Observations". Another paper was published in 2022, so Japan. Journal of Medicine JJM no. 168 which underlines the meteorosensitivity of cultivated cells in labor test conditions. The paper is called officially "Detection cell reactions on huge weather upheavals during the extreme stormy low pressure meteorological conditions in February 2022" + an extended new paper 2024 at the "Journal Clinical and Biomed. Advances". Herewith, this is a further proof of weather sensitivity - no imagination or hypochondria of complaining people! More earlier details at this web space by

Übrigens finden Sie unsere wissenschaftliche Publikation auch hier, welche auch indirekt bei der aktuellen Studienübersicht 11.2019 von Saferemr-Recent-Research (EDU aus USA) benannt ist.

Die in Kooperation mit veranstaltet im Oktober 2019 sowie 2022 ein internationales Symposium "Biologische Wirkungen des Mobilfunks (5G)".

Das neue Buch um 5G Mobilfunknetze von Maik Lindner (2021) mit einem Vorwort von F. M. König sowie einige dort zitierte, technologisch angedeutete Inhalte seitens "Bio-Konformität" ebenso von F. M. König - auch als e-book erhältlich.


➜ Aktuelles / news in 2008 (extract):

DAGA'08, 13.3.2008: "Über das Chaos des breitbandigen Klangbildes von Raumklangkopfhörern - Welches Equalizing für wen mit oder ohne DSP?".

Frühjahrstagung / a symposium in radiation science, 10.-13.4.2008: "Präsentation des weltersten, portablen Sferics-/Schönwetterfelderzeugers"; Forschungsprojektierung & Vermarktung; "the presentation of the world first portable sferics-/ nice weather field emitter; science research project, sailes.

AES Convention & VDT & DAGA'09, sheduling for Oct. 2008/2009: "5.1 surround mixings via more channel headphones and some artefacts".

"SCHUMANN-RESONANCE memorial lecture" for the 50th anniversary for fathers univ. dissertation (Tech. University Munich / Germany 1958) on August 22th 2008; more at - chapter 5.)

➜ Newsarchiv

Deutsche News vom 1.12.2004
Englische News von 2005
Englische News von 2006
Elektrosmog - natürliche und technische Felder - NET-Journal 12-04
Erdbebenvorwarnung - Bericht im NET-Journal 02-05
Tsunami im Dezember 2004 - Messungen waren schon 7 Tage vorher auffällig

E-Book 2021

A new book 2021:

A new English e-book as an extended version of "Nature needs chaos" (2005) with the latest findings as well as patent numbers, scientific study abstracts, paper quotations up to the turn of the year 2020/2021 as well as absolutely groundbreaking informations about new, more bio-compliant technologies. The books title is: "THE MEANINGFULNESS OF NATURE-RELATED RADIATION FORMS AND RESULTING NEW TECHNOLOGIES"; e-book ISBN: 978-3-9823116-0-9.

As an introduction, the first 22 pages of this book, for example, including the associated table of contents. If you want to order this book, write us an email directly.

LIVE DEMO TV Movie 1999 - TUBE DEVICES to "electro-de-stress" and neutralise EMF's